Love from my Beloved Clients ♥️


Helen Campbell – Southampton, UK. Psychologist and Emotional Intelligence Educator.

I have been aware of coping with fear for a long while. Having cleared most of my fear on an ongoing basis for twenty years now, I knew that it was deep seated, and beyond the reach of my conscious mind. I tried to reach out into the unconscious, and sent messages of reassurance to my deeper self, but was unable to resolve the knots that were rendering me increasingly lame. Within a few minutes you found them Keya, and melted them away for me, thank you.

-Kumud Singh New Delhi, India.

The experience was profound and hence not easy to express in words. I was transported to a highly calm and serene state of being. I felt weightless and at the same time I was surrounded with the immense warmth and love of mother earth. It was my physical mother’s sixth death anniversary that day and I felt a connection with her deep down when I travelled to the core of Gaia. I had a feeling as if I was a foetus inside mother’s womb. The feeling of abandonment that has been tormenting me since decades, vanished. I felt loved. Healed. My own womb injury seems to have improved in the process. The scars and pain are fading. I feel whole. Gradually getting to the state of recovery and healing. That day I was on a higher plane for hours and it took me an effort to come back to my full physical mind state. I’m still so much at peace. I feel strong. I feel calm. I feel loved ❤️

– Jacqueline Way KeyNote Speaker/Top 100 TEDx/Founder #365give (dec.2020) – Toronto, Canada

You are the master at this Keya! Anyone is welcome to reach out to me for a personal testimony how you healed my son after heart surgery, two years ago. You are a gift to the world my friend and so proud of you for sharing your service to the world!

– Bobby F. Florida, USA.

I had a Quantum ReUnification session with Keya and had many profound realizations and letting go of's. I was finally able to understand why it is and what it was in my mother that caused her to perpetuate the cycle of trauma... Was able to view her with compassion from henceforth for the clarity it brought, illuminating her own inner pain and just the awareness of this gives me the choice now to stop the cycle of trauma. I was held in a state of deep connectedness to the spirit of Gaia herself. And Keya ever so gently guided me to the heart of mother Earth to that little place of mine where there is the inner Akash...And all of the information was my own. She just brought me there and walked me down the path to my own healing of inner aspects of self, relationships and ancestors trauma in the process. Because now the cycles stop.

- Paola Monte Conero, Italy. Following the weekend workshop “A Journey into sound and healing” (31.08.2019)

l seminario del 24 e 25 agosto è stato un evento prezioso per la mia Anima. Provo ancora un senso di pace interiore, e mi accorgo che la vita mi presenta tanti messaggi, simboli, alcuni sono una chiara risposta, alcuni un aiuto per una comprensione, altri invece non li so ancora interpretare! Prezioso è stato dedicare due giorni alla visione e comprensione di parti di me stessa attraverso la tua guida, ed il tuo fondamentale aiuto per il superamento di ciò che non mi fa “fluire” nel “flusso della vita”… Un filo unisce la Madre Divina alla Madre Terra passando attraverso di me…. Ti ringrazio di cuore per quanto ricevuto, e per quanto fai per l’umanità! Third eye activation was very evident after my session. It has been very easy for me to get into meditative state and stay there. I cannot remember my dreams but have had many in the past 2 days. They have woken be up from my sleep. Overall I feel my connection with the earth has deepened and I am in a more grounded state.

- Susanna Ricci Sound healer – NaoSymphonia (3 Febbraio 2021) – MonteConero, Italia.

Sono stata guidata magistralmente da Keya Pralat in quello spazio dove le nostre coscienze sono un’ unica coscienza. Da quello spazio Keya ha visto con estrema precisione le difficolta’ dei miei occhi. Il momento in cui la mia anima ha accettato di accogliere nel suo cuore quegli aspetti karmici di alcune vite passate che causavano le limitazioni alla mia vista è indelebile nella mia coscienza, la mia anima ha accettato di guarire e ora sto permettendo a questo processo di manifestarsi nel mio corpo. GRAZIE KEYA!

- Sindy Casanova, Sidney, Australia Property management, Real estate.

The first 24 hours after the session I felt very light and peaceful. It was as if I had total clarity of my mind and my thoughts were not so crowded. Third eye activation was very evident after my session. It has been very easy for me to get into meditative state and stay there. I cannot remember my dreams but have had many in the past 2 days. They have woken be up from my sleep. Overall I feel my connection with the earth has deepened and I am in a more grounded state.

- Patrica De la Fuente Professeure des écoles et coach scolaire (18.12.2020) – France

Merci pour ta merveilleuse séance qui m’a emmenée vers tous les possibles. Lors de la séance, j’ai ressenti beaucoup de bien être et une espèce de lâcher prise sur les choses auxquelles je crois, auxquelles je ne crois pas. C’était comme si j’étais entrée dans un univers parallèle. J’observe depuis tout ce qui peut arriver autour de moi et à l’intérieur de moi. Je suis attentive à mes sensations et je m’accorde plus de temps pour justement être attentive. Je m’endors plus paisiblement le soir. je reste à l’écoute. Merci beaucoup Keya.

- Rhys Thomas Co-host TNT 2.0 Podcast (Dec. 2020) – UK

Keya, you are 100% authentic, truthful and connected. Our conversations always leave me filled with a renewed belief that anything is possible, that we are all individual expressions of the Divine and allowing this to flow through our hearts opens everything up and by listening to that intuitive voice rather than adhering to the constrains of that intellectual mind you were always taught to cherish, revere and cultivate. When we can allow a coherence between the two we transcend the impossible and transmute the normal into a life of acceptance, connection and service.

– Christ elle Géobiologue (30.12.2020) – France

Lors du soin qui avait pour objectif de m’aider à avancer sur mon chemin de désencombrement d’énergies j’ai pu peaufiner mes libérations. Dans la semaine, j’ai tout d’abord pu observer une facilité plus accentuée à être en confiance dans chaque ici et maintenant. Tous les événements ont pris forme selon mes visualisations de co-création consciente. Une légèreté dans ma vie qui se fait plus présente en présence. Je laisse ici des mots, pour tenter de donner une couleur et un son à ce que vécu en profondeur. C’est un voyage qui est unique. C’est une rencontre qui va au-delà de soi. C’est le grand tout manifesté. Et un moment présent véritable Cadeau que de se reconnaître soi, l’univers et Keya, nous ne sommes qu’Un. Je souhaite à chaque un & une de ‘vibraliser’ ainsi et de s’offrir le cadeau de sa présence à vivre un moment magique. Je te remercie Keya par ce soin rendez-vous et ce petit feed-back je conscientise davantage…

– Mimi P. Sophrologue – (Depuis plus de 10 ans) – Suisse

Je tiens à apporter mon témoignage et ma reconnaissance concernant les soins reçus de Keya depuis plus de 10 ans. Atteinte de la maladie de Lyme à un stade très avancé, ayant été diagnostiquée très tardivement, j’ai pu apprécier l’efficacité de son travail, ainsi que son approche psychologique et ses conseils qui m’ont permis de dépasser mes peurs et mes angoisses dans les moments les plus difficiles. Son aide m’a été précieuse et l’est encore aujourd’hui. J’ai maintenant 84 ans, il y a environ 5 ans, je marchais très difficilement et peux aujourd’hui à nouveau marcher de longues distances sans souci. Merci Keya !

– Elena S. Présidente S.L.T.A. (26.12.2020) – Switzerland

Thank you for your guiding session that helped me to focus on my energy flow, allowing me to see myself being more grounded and connected to the Source of life. As you say, much depends on our personal abilities to allow, to remove resistance, in order to be able to receive the insights from our subconscious mind or our higher self. I believe that our personal agreement to follow the guidance is already a half-road to success. Thank you for reminding me of our own strengths as spiritual beings and our power of self-defence against any low-vibration thoughts, feelings of external interference. I do not feel any pressure of the issue that had made me ask you for help, I consider it to be resolved. Thank you as well for taking more time to work my other, health-related life lesson. I am sure your work has helped me to feel more secure and peaceful. I know that any person can benefit from your healing guidance addressing any issue of life, be it a health situation, a work-related experience or a relational issue, since our relationship with ourselves is at the core of any life lesson we receive. My very best wishes and my warmest hugs to you Keya.

Je me suis sentie beaucoup plus calme et en harmonie avec moi-même. Plus ancrée dans le temps et la situation présente. Les « to do lists » ont arrêté de défiler dans ma tête et je me suis trouvée plus douce et surtout plus à l’écoute avec les enfants. En synthèse, effet très bénéfique.
-Marion A. - Nyon, Switzerland.
Architecte d’intérieur
Un grand merci Keya pour le soin reçu vendredi. Tant sur le plan physique que psychologique j’ai beaucoup apprécié la précision et le sérieux du travail qui m’ont permis de prendre conscience de la source du départ des problèmes rencontrés jusque-là. Avec toute ma reconnaissance.
-Helen P. - Gex, France
Sophrologue, Hypnose Ericksonienne, PLN
I paid attention to my dreams and I am glad that I wrote them down. I have felt peaceful and I have felt this sense that I could let things go much more easily than prior to the session. I was really feeling like I needed to sing as well. Like a song needed to come out so I pulled out my amp and microphone and I sang. Thanks.
-Ali Deuso, North Carolina, USA.
Executive director/recruiter, life coach.
Reaching out to share… I feel more grounded. I feel more aware. I feel more present – grounded in spirit… A spirit not defined by circumstance, but enlightened by energy received and given. Thank you for providing peace for me, Keya. ❤️
– Allié McGuire, Michigan, USA.
Founder of Awareness Ties™ & Editor-In-Chief of AwareNow Magazine
Bellissimo seminario. Keya ci ha fatto ritrovare il divino dentro ogni uno di noi. Grazie🙏
– Nathalie Pisteur
dopo il seminario “A Journey into Sound and Healing” (24-25 Augusto 2019)- Monte Conero, Italia.
Super fascinating. My children’s dad got very sick with Covid and was in the ICU. Age and underlying health conditions of course planned that and he has polycystic kidneys. You definitely have a special gift to help and heal people. I have worked with you and found you to be remarkably insightful. Thanks Keya.
– Monica Matthews
PhD (Dec. 2020) – U.S.A
Merci pour ton soin et ta présence J’ai pris la porte des étoiles et la porte du cœur
– Henri Stievenard
Psychothérapeute (22.12.2020) – France
My daughter suffered second-degree burns a couple of weeks ago. I reached out to Keya for quantum healing support and her energy treatment really accelerated the healing for my daughter.
– Rob Howze (17.12.2020)
Executive coach – Maryland U.S.A
Ton « soin » m’a aidé à me recentrer dans la tourmente, car en plus je déménage et déménage mon entreprise dans un lieu non terminé. Je ne me sens pas du tout instable émotionnellement mais au contraire stable, ancrée… J’ai apprécié ce cadeau de la vie qu’a été ton soin.
– Françoise L.
(22.12.2020) Energéticienne, Biochimiste, Psycho-praticienne FF2P, Auteure – France
The healing energies channeled by Keya are both warm and penetrating. It is felt throughout the body’s energy system and most especially in the heart chakra. A healing and moving experience.
– Tracie Moore (21.12.2020) –
Chakra healer – New York State U.S.A
L’accompagnement m’a permis de bien m’enraciner par la colonne de Lumière à partir du bassin et des racines partant des pieds, et de m’aligner, je l’ai bien ressenti. Puis cette énergie céleste qui est venue par le chakra couronne nettoyer les espaces et révélée là où le blocage existait… au niveau de la gorge et que j’avais oublié… Gratitude pour ce réveil Keya !
– Marie S. (30.12.2020)
– France
My daughter Mel suffered 2nd degree burns 2 weeks ago and we contacted Keya and through her Quantum healing practice, Melody is healing very quickly and in a manner the doctors were even surprised. Her connection to Spirit was felt immensely during our healing session. She truly is a beautiful being.
– Nicole Siegel-Howze
Mother of three children (12.20.2020) – Maryland U.S.A
Si entra di un colore e si esce vestiti di luce. Pianti, risate, abbracci, ritmo, ascolto, riconnessione (ah! il bambino interiore), emozioni, canto, ballo… e la VERA VITA si affaccia con un abbraccio energizzante. Questo e tanto altro quello che ho provato in poche, ma intense, giornate.
– Letizia Perrazo
dopo il seminario “A Journey into Sound and Healing” (24-25 Augusto 2019) – Monte Conero, Italia.
Merci j’ai beaucoup dormi et ‘éliminé’ le jour du soin, puis je me suis sentie bien, puis je me suis interrogée sur la question soulevée qui datait dun déchirement a cause d’un mot de ma mere pendant mon enfance, des choses sont revenues, … …je fais plus attention à mes vêtements, mes cheveux, le soin de mon corps depuis le soin … merci pour votre voix chaleureuse.
– Caroline B. (26.12.2020)
– France
The healing energies channeled by Keya are both warm and penetrating. It is felt throughout the body’s energy system and most especially in the heart chakra. A healing and moving experience.
– Tracie Moore (21.12.2020) –
Chakra healer – New York State U.S.A